English Plan of Study Form: Catalog Years 2021 - 2023
Honors in English Plan of Study Form: Honors Catalog Year 2021 - 2023
It is important to note that the 2021 and 2022 plans of study apply to those who begin in CLAS at UCONN, or change majors into CLAS, on May 9, 2021 or later.
If you are governed under an earlier catalog year and wish to change to the 2022 plan, please schedule an appointment with Inda Watrous.
What is referred to as the major is, in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS), officially called your field of concentration. The field of concentration is comprised of courses in the major department and a group of four other courses completed in related disciplines.
To satisfy the English major, the student must complete 30 credits of English courses numbered 2000 or above. Our plan of study is simple: Core + 4. Every major in English will complete 6 courses in the Core Curriculum, and then choose 4 additional courses at the 2000-level or above. These 4 additional courses are essentially English electives: majors can group their electives into one of the optional tracks listed below. Any completed and declared track will be named on your transcript to highlight your specific skills and specialties.
The Related Course requirement for the English major must be no fewer than 12 credits of UConn coursework representing a coherent area of study closely related to English. Related courses must be 2000 level or above, outside of the Department of English, and cannot be cross-listed with English. Some students select courses that will help them prepare for a future career or academic interests. Courses applied toward a second major or minor may also count toward the related requirements. A list of approved and restricted related courses can be found here. Courses that are not on the approved or restricted list may be used as a related course with approval by the Department.
For more information, please visit the UConn Catalog.
English Major Requirements
Core Curriculum (18 Credits)
Each of these core requirements must be satisfied by a unique course. A single course may not be applied to two different requirements within the core curriculum.
Methods for the Major
3 credits - This course should be taken within a semester of declaring the major or at its next offering
ENGL 2600 - Introduction to Literary Studies
Early Literary, Cultural, and Linguistic History
6 credits from the list below
ENGL 2100 - British Literature I
ENGL 2107 - The British Empire, Slavery, and Resistance
ENGL 2200 - Literature and Culture of North America before 1800
ENGL 2201/W - American Literature to 1880
ENGL 2603 - Literary Approaches to the Bible
ENGL 3111/W - Medieval English Literature
ENGL 3113/W - Renaissance English Literature
ENGL 3115/W - Restoration and 18th-Century English Literature
ENGL 3117/W - Romantic British Literature
ENGL 3213/W - Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century African American Literature
ENGL 3301 - Celtic and Norse Myth and Legend
ENGL 3303 - Studies in Early Literature in English
ENGL 3501 - Chaucer
ENGL 3503/W - Shakespeare I
ENGL 3505 - Shakespeare II
ENGL 3507 - Milton
ENGL 3603 - The History of the English Language
ENGL 3652 - Maritime Literature to 1800
Antiracism, Globality, and Embodiment
6 credits: one course from group 1, and a second course from either group 1 or 2
Group 1
Black, Indigenous, Latinx, and Asian/American Literary and Cultural Traditions
ENGL 2214/W - African American Literature
ENGL 2301/W - Anglophone Literatures
ENGL 2305 - Modern Japanese Literature
ENGL 3210 - Native American Literature
ENGL 3212 - Asian American Literature
ENGL 3213/W - Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century African American Literature
ENGL 3215/W - Twentieth- and Twenty-First Century African American Literature
ENGL 3217/W - Studies in African American Literature and Culture
ENGL 3218/W - Ethnic Literature of the United States
ENGL 3267W - Race and the Scientific Imagination
ENGL 3318 - Literature and Culture of the Third World
ENGL 3319 - Topics in Postcolonial Studies
ENGL 3320 - Literature and Culture of India
ENGL 3605 - Latina/o Literature
ENGL 3607 - Studies in Latina/o Literature
Group 2
Difference & Diaspora
ENGL 2274/W - Disability in American Literature and Culture
ENGL 3015W - Writing Across Cultures
ENGL 3120 - Irish Literature in English to 1939
ENGL 3122/W - Irish Literature in English since 1939
ENGL 3220 - Jewish American Literature and Culture
ENGL 3609 - Women's Literature
ENGL 3611 - Women's Literature 1900 to the Present
ENGL 3613 - LGBTQ+ Literature
ENGL 3629 - Holocaust Memoir
Advanced Study
3 credits from the list below
These courses satisfy the requirement for Writing in the Major and Informational Literacy. Course topics will vary by instructor.
4101W - Advanced Study: British Literature
4201W - Advanced Study: American Literature
4203W - Advanced Study: Ethnic Literature
4301W - Advanced Study: Anglophone Literature
4302W - Advanced Study: Literature of Australia, Canada, Ireland, and New Zealand
4401W - Advanced Study: Poetry
4405W - Advanced Study: Drama
4407W - Advanced Study: Prose
4600W - Seminars in Literature
4601W - Advanced Study: Literary Criticism and Theory
4613W - Advanced Study: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Literature
4965W - Advanced Studies in Early Literature in English
Four Additional Courses: Elective Courses or Optional Tracks (12 Credits)
Courses used to satisfy credits in the core curriculum may also be applied toward one or more of the optional tracks, as long as the student completes the 30 unique credits for the major. Students may forego tracks and opt to take 12 credits of electives instead.
Eight Optional Tracks
Steps to declare a track
If you are a current English major and would like to add a track:
- Submit the request through the PPC link
- In PPC the tracks are called concentrations, select the planned track/concentration
- In the comments section of PPC, indicate “I am not changing my major, only declaring a track”
- If you are declaring more than one track you must request the additional track(s) in the comments section. This request will be in addition to the note about not changing the major
If you are changing your major to English, you can indicate your preferred track (s) (called Concentrations) in PPC. Or, if you are adding English as a second major, you can indicate the track on the double major form or if applicable, the additional degree petition.
Creative Writing
12 credits distributed as follows:
Introduction to Creative Writing
ENGL 2701 - Creative Writing I *
Two 3000-level courses Creative Writing Workshops chosen from the following:
ENGL 3701 - Creative Writing II
ENGL 3703 - Writing Workshop
ENGL 3705 - Playwriting
ENGL 3707 - Film Writing
ENGL 3711 - Creative Writing for Child and Young Adult Readers
ENGL 3715E - Nature Writing Workshop
One elective (3 credits) focused on literary genres or methods, chosen from the following:
ENGL 2401 - Poetry
ENGL 2405 - Drama
ENGL 2407 - The Short Story
ENGL 2408/W - Modern Drama
ENGL 2409 - The Modern Novel
ENGL 2411/W - Popular Literature
ENGL 2413/W - The Graphic Novel
ENGL 2610 - Introduction to Digital Humanities
ENGL 2612 - Digital Literary Studies
ENGL 2614 - Writing with Algorithms
ENGL 2635E - Literature and the Environment
ENGL 2640/W - Studies in Film
ENGL 2730/W - Travel Writing
ENGL 3003/W - Advanced Expository Writing
ENGL 3012 - Books and Book Publishing
ENGL 3013/W - Media Publishing
ENGL 3240E - American Nature Writing
ENGL 3403 - Modern and Contemporary Poetry in English
ENGL 3420 - Children's Literature
ENGL 3422 - Young Adult Literature
ENGL 3640/W - British Film
ENGL 3713 - Literary Magazine Editing
* Students who have completed Creative Writing I as ENGL 1701 will be allowed to apply this course toward the Creative Writing track. Students will still need to complete 30 credits of English coursework at the 2000 level or above.
Cultural Studies/Media Studies
12 credits from the following list:
ENGL 2276/W - American Utopias & Dystopias
ENGL 2411/W - Popular Literature
ENGL 2413/W - The Graphic Novel
ENGL 2610 - Introduction to Digital Humanities
ENGL 2612 - Digital Literary Studies
ENGL 2614 - Writing with Algorithms
ENGL 2640/W - Studies in Film
ENGL 3235/W - Reading the American City
ENGL 3265/W - American Studies Methods
ENGL 3420 - Children's Literature
ENGL 3422 - Young Adult Literature
ENGL 3623 - Studies in Literature and Culture
ENGL 3625 - Literary Theory
ENGL 3633/W - The Rhetoric of Political Discourse in Literature and Society
ENGL 3640/W - British Film
English Teaching
12 credits distributed across four categories:
Cultural, Genre, and Media Studies (3 credits)
ENGL 2276/W - American Utopias and Dystopias
ENGL 2401 - Poetry
ENGL 2405 - Drama
ENGL 2407 - The Short Story
ENGL 2408 - Modern Drama
ENGL 2409 - The Modern Novel
ENGL 2411/W - Popular Literature
ENGL 2413/W - The Graphic Novel
ENGL 2605/W - Capitalism, Literature, and Culture
ENGL 2609 - Fascism and its Opponents
ENGL 2610 - Introduction to Digital Humanities
ENGL 2612 - Digital Literary Studies
ENGL 2635E - Literature and the Environment
ENGL 2640/W - Studies in Film
ENGL 3235/W - Reading the American City
ENGL 3240E - American Nature Writing
ENGL 3265W - American Studies Methods
ENGL 3619 - Topics in Literature and Human Rights
ENGL 3623 - Studies in Literature and Culture
ENGL 3625 - Literary Theory
ENGL 3631 - Literature, Culture, and Humanitarianism
ENGL 3633W - The Rhetoric of Political Discourse in Literature and Society
ENGL 3640 - British Film
ENGL 3652 - Maritime Literature to 1800
ENGL 3653 - Maritime Literature Since 1800
ENGL 3715E - Nature Writing Workshop
Advanced Composition (3 credits)
ENGL 2013W - Introduction to Writing Studies
ENGL 2049W - Writing through Research
ENGL 2055WE - Writing, Rhetoric, and Environment
ENGL 3003W - Advanced Expository Writing
ENGL 3010W - Advanced Composition for Prospective Teachers
ENGL 3701 - Creative Writing II (Sections of this course may only be applied to the concentration if approved by the Coordinator of the Teaching Concentration)
Grammar (3 credits)
ENGL 3601 - The English Language
ENGL 3603 - The History of the English Language
Children’s or Young Adult Literature (3 credits)
ENGL 3420 - Children's Literature
ENGL 3422 - Young Adult Literature (required for UConn's Secondary Ed. English program)
Irish Literature
12 credits from the following list:
ENGL 3120 - Irish Literature in English to 1939
ENGL 3122 - Irish Literature in English since 1939
ENGL 3301 - Celtic and Norse Myth and Legend
ENGL 3509* - Studies in Individual Writers
ENGL 3623* - Studies in Literature and Culture
ENGL 3627* - Studies in Litetature
* Sections of these courses may only be applied to the concentration if approved by the Coordinator of the Irish Literature program.
Literature, Antiracism, and Social Justice
12 credits from the following list:
ENGL 2107 - The British Empire, Slavery, and Resistance
ENGL 2207 - Empire and U.S. Culture
ENGL 2214/W - African American Literature
ENGL 2274/W - Disability in American Literature and Culture
ENGL 2301/W - Anglophone Literatures
ENGL 2605/W - Capitalism, Literature, and Culture
ENGL 2609 - Fascism and its Opponents
ENGL 2635E - Literature and the Environment
ENGL 3120 - Irish Literature in English to 1939
ENGL 3122/W - Irish Literature in English since 1939
ENGL 3210 - Native American Literature
ENGL 3212 - Asian American Literature
ENGL 3213/W - Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century African American Literature
ENGL 3215/W - Twentieth- and Twenty-First Century African American Literature
ENGL 3217/W - Studies in African American Literature and Culture
ENGL 3218/W - Ethnic Literature of United States
ENGL 3220 - Jewish American Literature and Culture
ENGL 3318 - Literature and Culture of the Third World
ENGL 3319 - Topics in Postcolonial Studies
ENGL 3605 - Latina/o Literature
ENGL 3607 - Studies in Latina/o Literature
ENGL 3609 - Women's Literature
ENGL 3611 - Women's Literature 1900 t0 the Present
ENGL 3613 - Introduction to LGBT Literature
ENGL 3619 - Topics and Literature in Human Rights
ENGL 3629 - Holocaust Memoir
ENGL 3631 - Literature, Culture, and Humanitarianism
ENGL 3633/W - The Rhetoric of Political Discourse in Literature and Society
Literary Histories and Legacies
12 credits from the following list:
ENGL 2100 - British Literature
ENGL 2101 - British Literature II
ENGL 2200 - Literature and Culture of North America before 1800
ENGL 2201/W - American Literature to 1880
ENGL 2203/W - American Literature Since 1880
ENGL 2214/W - African American Literature
ENGL 2301/W - Anglophone Literatures
ENGL 2603 - Literary Approaches to the Bible
ENGL 3111/W - Medieval English Literature
ENGL 3113/W - Renaissance English Literature
ENGL 3115/W - Restoration and 18th-Century British Literature
ENGL 3117/W - Romantic British Literature
ENGL 3118/W - Victorian British Literature
ENGL 3120 - Irish Literature in English to 1939
ENGL 3122/W - Irish Literature in English since 1939
ENGL 3123/W - British Literature from 1890 to the Mid-Twentieth Century
ENGL 3124/W - British Literature since the Mid-Twentieth Century
ENGL 3207/W - American Literature since the Mid-Twentieth Century
ENGL 3213/W - Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century African American Literature
ENGL 3215/W - Twentieth- and Twenty-First Century African American Literature
ENGL 3301 - Celtic and Norse Myth and Legend
ENGL 3303 - Studies in Early Literature in English
ENGL 3501 - Chaucer
ENGL 3503/W - Shakespeare I
ENGL 3505 - Shakespeare II
ENGL 3507 - Milton
ENGL 3509 - Studies in Individual Writers
ENGL 3603 - The History of the English Language
ENGL 3652 - Maritime Literature to 1800
Literature of Place and Environment
12 credits from the following list:
ENGL 2055WE - Writing, Rhetoric, and Environment
ENGL 2276/W - American Utopias and Dystopias
ENGL 2635E - Literature and the Environment
ENGL 2730W - Travel Writing
ENGL 3240E - American Nature Writing
ENGL 3235/W - Reading the American City
ENGL 3652 - Maritime Literature To 1800
ENGL 3653 - Maritime Literature Since 1800
ENGL 3715E - Nature Writing Workshop
Writing and Composition Studies
12 credits from the following list:
ENGL 2001 - Introduction to Grant Proposal Writing
ENGL 2013W - Introduction to Writing Studies
ENGL 2049W - Writing through Research
ENGL 2055WE - Writing, Rhetoric, and Environment
ENGL 2730W - Travel Writing
ENGL 3003W - Advanced Expository Writing
ENGL 3010W - Advanced Composition for Prospective Teachers
ENGL 3012 - Books and Book Publishing
ENGL 3013/W - Media Publishing
ENGL 3015W - Writing Across Cultures
ENGL 3082 - Writing Center Practicum
ENGL 3091 - Writing Internship
ENGL 3692 - Writing Practicum
ENGL 3713 - Literary Magazine Editing
ENGL 3715E - Nature Writing Workshop
A maximum of 6 credits of 3091 and 3692 may be counted towards the Writing and Composition Studies concentration.
Details on Variable Topics Courses
The following courses may be counted toward a specific track if approved by the Associate Head of English.
ENGL 2627 - Topics in Literary Studies
ENGL 2640/W - Studies in Film
ENGL 3319 - Topics in Postcolonial Studies
ENGL 3509/W - Studies in Individual Writers
ENGL 3619 - Topics in Literature and Human Rights
ENGL 3621 - Literature and Other Disciplines
ENGL 3623 - Studies in Literature and Culture
ENGL 3627 - Studies in Literature
ENGL 3693 - Foreign Study
ENGL 3695 - Special Topics
ENGL 3698 - Variable Topics
ENGL 3699 - Independent Study
ENGL 4897 - Honors VIII: Honors Thesis may be applied toward a specific track if approved by the Honors English Advisor.