Fall 2025
For guidance about courses, majors, and minors, contact any English faculty member or Professor Roden, Stamford English Curriculum Coordinator, at frederick.roden@uconn.edu or Inda Watrous, English Undergraduate Advisor, at inda.watrous@uconn.edu.
All forms and details about major and minor requirements can be found at http://advising.english.uconn.edu.
Helpful Information for Non-Majors
- 1000-level courses do not count toward the English major but are terrific introductions to literary study and typically serve GenEd Category 1b or 4 and their equivalents in the new Common Curriculum.
- If you think you might be interested in an English major, try out a course; if you know you’re set on the major, plan on taking 2600 as early as possible.
- Non-majors are welcome in advanced courses (including the 3000- and 4000-level); check your preparedness with an instructor before registering if you have questions. Following completion of the first-year writing requirement, most upper-level courses are open to all students. If you encounter difficulty in registering, contact the instructor or Prof. Roden.
- English courses make great “related field” classes for many other majors. Check with your major advisor for appropriateness of choices.
- The English minor is highly recommended and easy to accomplish: see https://advising.english.uconn.edu/minoring-in-english/ to determine your requirements.
- The English major makes a terrific second major. You can find plans of study here: https://advising.english.uconn.edu/plans-of-study/
- Remember you can complete the English major at the Stamford Campus; there’s no need to branchfer. Many students enroll in pre-professional grad programs (for example, in education) immediately following their degree.
- Reach out to an English faculty member or advisor to learn about what you can do with an English major or minor. We and the Center for Career Development can help you brainstorm, point you toward internships, and introduce you to alumni working in a range of different fields.
Helpful Information for Stamford English Majors and Minors
- Engl 2600 (Major Requirement A or “Methods for the Major”) is offered annually in the Fall semester. Students should plan on taking this course as early as possible in their studies.
- A single-author course (Major Requirement D, Plan of Study 2017-2020) is offered annually or every third semester. We will deliver Engl 3503W in Spring 2026.
- An “Advanced Study” course (Major Requirement E, Plan of Study 2017-2020) is typically offered annually or every third semester. It will be taught at Stamford in Spring 2026 (Engl 4203W).
- We offer at least one pre-1800 course each semester (Engl 2100 and Engl 3652W in Fall 2025). All plans of study require two classes categorized either as pre-1800 or “Early Literary, Cultural, and Linguistic History.” Check with your advisor or the coordinator if you have questions.
- We regularly offer courses in the “Antiracism, Globality, and Embodiment” category: this term, Engl 2214 (Group 1) and Engl 3609 (Group 2) .
- We offer a variety of survey and methods courses each semester for Catalog Years 2017-2020. This term Major Requirement B1=Engl 2100; B2=Engl 2214; Major Requirement C= Engl 2401W, Engl 2407.
- Check out these helpful links on the advising site: English Courses and Categories Satisfied, https://advising.english.uconn.edu/categories-satisfied/; and Related Courses, https://advising.english.uconn.edu/related-courses-2/. For catalog descriptions, see https://catalog.uconn.edu/undergraduate/courses/engl/
Catalog years 2017-2020 allow for 9 elective credits; Catalog years 2021-2024 allow for 12. Courses that meet a requirement you have already satisfied can count for elective credit.
Tracks: Optional Concentrations Within the Major
The Stamford Campus offers courses towards a number of different “tracks” within the 2021-2024 English major plan of study. Term offerings are as noted below.
Creative Writing: Engl 2401W, Engl 2407, Engl 2411W, Engl 2413W, Engl 2701
Cultural Studies/Media Studies: Engl 2411W, Engl 2413W
English Teaching: Engl 2401W, Engl 2407, Engl 2411W, Engl 2413W, Engl 3652W
Literature, Antiracism, and Social Justice: Engl 2214, Engl 3609
Literary History and Legacies: Engl 2100, Engl 2214, Engl 3652W
Literature of Place and Environment: Engl 3652W
Pre-Teaching Secondary Ed English
The Stamford Campus regularly offers courses to prepare students for teaching careers. For Fall 2025, the following classes count as indicated:
Engl 2100 (IB/M and TCPCG British)
Engl 2214 (IB/M TCPCG American OR Multicultural)
Engl 2401W (IB/M and TCPCG genre)
Engl 2407 (IB/M and TCPCG genre)
Engl 2413W (IB/M and TCPCG genre)
Engl 3609 (IB/M and TCPCG multicultural)
The Writing Minor
The Stamford Campus allows students to complete the Writing Minor. The following courses are offered this term:
Engl 2701
Learn more about the Writing minor here
1000-Level Courses
1616W: Major Works of English and American Literature
Prerequisites: ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011.
ENGL 1616 applies toward GenEd Content Area 1, CLAS Group B
1616W | TuTh 11:00 - 12:15 | Cramer, P. Morgne
“There is only one course open: escape”
J.M. Coetzee (1940- )
Our course readings focus on the theme of “entrapment and escape." In each novel, essay, short story, or autobiography, characters’ quest for physical safety, for a fuller life, for truth, for imagined alternatives requires some form of irrevocable rift from their present or past circumstances. In some cases, figures are trapped by unjust government (Lewis, Thoreau, Foster) or forced into exile (Acimon, Milosz); others are stuck in compulsive repetitions of outdated roles or harmful family relations (Austen, Baldwin, Lewis). Escape is sometimes a full flight from present life (Winterson). Escape is sometimes of the mind: longing for and imagining alternative futures (Woolf). We will study, among other themes, strategies of resistance while remaining “in place,” as well as the quest narrative of no return.
"I who long for marble columns and pools on the other side of the world where the swallow dips her wings. . . . An immense pressure is on me. I cannot move without dislodging the weight of centuries."
Rhoda in Virginia Woolf's The Waves
Course Readings
Henry David Thoreau. Civil Disobedience and Other Essays
John Lewis. Across That Bridge
Jeanette Winterson. The Stone Gods
- M. Foster. The Machine Stops
James Baldwin. Go Tell It on the Mountain
Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice
Sinclair Lewis, Main Street
Virginia Woolf, Room of One's Own
George Orwell, "The Politics of the English Language" (pdf)
Andre Aciman, Shadow City (pdf)
Czeslaw Milosz. "Who Was I?"; "Notes on Exile"; "Happiness" (pdf)
2000-Level Courses
2100: British Literature I
Prerequisites: ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011 or 2011.
- General Education Requirement:
- Content Area One (Arts & Humanities - Literature)
- English Major Requirements:
- 2021-2024 Plans: Core Category: Early Literary, Cultural, and Linguistic History or one of Four Additional Courses
- Meets one requirement for the Literary Histories and Legacies Track
- Meets one of NEAG’s Secondary Education British Literature Requirements
- 2021-2024 Plans: Core Category: Early Literary, Cultural, and Linguistic History or one of Four Additional Courses
- Applies toward the English Minor
2100| M 3:35 - 6:05 | Roden, Fred
For English speakers, the literary production and culture of Britain is the oldest and perhaps the most important tradition of influence. Global literature including cultural output in America has its roots in this history from (before) “Beowulf to Virginia Woolf” (and beyond). This course will provide an introduction to the literary history of Britain (Medieval, Renaissance, Restoration/Enlightenment) to the end of the eighteenth century. As we analyze “canonical” works, we interrogate modern constructions of gender and sexuality, race, religion, ethnicity, dis/ability, and nationhood. We trace these western notions from their original contexts. When we study texts that became the canon (and its borderlands), we explore “what makes a classic.”
Engl 2100 will examine a variety of authors and forms chronologically across British literary/cultural history. Class will combine lecture and discussion. Students will take weekly quizzes, write three short (3-page) papers, and develop a cumulative final essay exam (open-book and -notebook) responding to a prompt. We will also have a field trip concerning comparative cultural production (museum, theatre, and/or music); a substitution is possible for those unavailable to attend.
Engl 2100 is open to any student who has completed Engl 1007 or 1010/1011. It is strongly recommended for majors. Engl 2100 counts for the English major’s “Early Literary, Cultural, and Linguistic History” core and the “Literary Histories and Legacies” track (as well as earlier plans of study English B1 requirement and pre-1800 distribution); the English minor; and GenEd 1b. Under the new Common Curriculum, Engl 2100 serves Topics of Inquiry 2: Cultural Dimensions of Human Experience. It satisfies the British Literature requirement for TCPCG preparation.
2214: African American Literature
Prerequisites: ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011 or 2011.
- General Education Requirements:
- Content Area Four (Diversity & Multiculturalism - USA)
- The W version of this course satisfies a Writing Competency requirement
- English Major Requirements:
- 2008-2016 Plans: Section B.3 (Multi-Period, Multi-Cultural, & Ethnic-Lit Courses) or F (Elective Courses) and Distribution Requirement 2 (At least one course must concern ethnic or post-colonial literatures in English)
- 2017 - 2020 Plan: Section B.2 (American Literature) or F (Elective courses)
- 2021-2024 Plans: Core Category: Antiracism, Globality, and Embodiment (Group 1) or one of Four Additional Courses
- Meets one requirement for the Literature, Antiracism, and Social Justice Track
- Meets one requirement for the Literary Histories and Legacies Track
- Meets NEAG’s Secondary Education Multicultural Literature requirements or one of the American Literature requirement
2214| M 12:20 - 2:50 | Pierrot, Greg
2401W: Poetry
Prerequisites: ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011 or 2011.
- General Education Requirement:
- Content Area 1 (Arts & Humanities - Literature)
- English Major Requirements:
- 2021-2024 Plans: One of Four Additional Courses
- Meets the Literary Genres or Methods requirement for the Creative Writing Track
- Meets the Cultural, Genre, and Media Studies requirement for the English Teaching Track
- 2021-2024 Plans: One of Four Additional Courses
- Meets one of NEAG’s Secondary Education Genre Courses requirements
2401W| W 3:35 - 6:05| Newell, Mary
In this study of the chief forms and traditions of poetry in English, we will read and analyze both lyric and narrative poetry in standard forms such as the sonnet and ode, as well as more experimental poetry such as erasure and found poems; we will also consider the hybrid form of prose poetry. You will gain practice in evaluating various styles and forms of poetry through class lectures and exchanges and in the writing assignments. We will also consider the many uses of poetry from personal expression to social protest. This process can deepen your enjoyment and appreciation of poetry and perhaps inspire you to write your own. As a writing intensive course, ENGL 2401W will provide opportunities for enhancing your writing skills, both for academic writing and, optionally, poetic composition.
2407: The Short Story
Prerequisites: ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011 or 2011.
- General Education Requirement:
- Content Area One (Arts & Humanities - Literature)
- English Major Requirements:
- 2021-2024 Plans: One of Four Additional Courses
- Meets the Literary Genres or Methods requirement for the Creative Writing Track
- Meets the Cultural, Genre, and Media Studies requirement for the English Teaching Track
- 2021-2024 Plans: One of Four Additional Courses
- Meets one of NEAG’s Secondary Education Genre Courses requirements
2407| TuTh 2:00 - 3:15 | Gorkemli, Serkan
In this course, we’ll study the theory and history of the short story as a literary form and read its fine examples by significant American and international writers (textbook: The Story and Its Writer: An Introduction to Short Fiction, 10th compact edition, by Ann Charters). Lectures and class discussions will focus on the literary elements of plot, character, setting, point of view, style, and theme in the assigned short stories, and you will write textual analyses.
2411W: Popular Literature
Prerequisites: ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011 or 2011.
- General Education Requirements:
- Content Area One (Arts & Humanities -Literature)
- The W version of this course satisfies a Writing Competency requirement
- English Major Requirements:
- 2008-2020Plans: Section F (Elective Courses); Optional Concentration
- Elective for the Concentration in Creative Writing
- 2021-2023 Plans: One of Four Additional Courses
- Meets the Literary Genres or Methods requirement for the Creative Writing Track
- Meets one requirement for the Cultural Studies/Media Studies Track
- Meets the Cultural, Genre, and Media Studies requirement for the English Teaching Track
- 2008-2020Plans: Section F (Elective Courses); Optional Concentration
- Applies toward the English Minor
2413W| Sa 10:00-12:30 | Moeckel-Rieke, Hannelore
2413W: The Graphic Novel
Prerequisites: ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011
- General Education Requirements:
- Content Area One (Arts & Humanities -Literature)
- The W version of this course satisfies a Writing Competency requirement
- English Major Requirements:
- 2008-2020Plans: Section F (Elective Courses); Optional Concentration
- Elective for the Concentration in Creative Writing
- 2021-2023 Plans: One of Four Additional Courses
- Meets the Literary Genres or Methods requirement for the Creative Writing Track
- Meets one requirement for the Cultural Studies/Media Studies Track
- Meets the Cultural, Genre, and Media Studies requirement for the English Teaching Track
- 2008-2020Plans: Section F (Elective Courses); Optional Concentration
- Applies toward the English Minor
2413W| W 9:05 - 11:35 | Pierrot, Greg
2600: Introduction to Literary Studies
Prerequisites: ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011 or 2011 or 3800; open to English majors, others with instructor consent.
English 2600 is a major Methods requirement and an English minor elective.
2600|Th 5:30 - 8:00 |Roden, Frederick
What makes an English major? What can you “do” with that degree? What does it mean to become a literary critic or a literary historian?
This course will tackle these questions through practical and theoretical examples. What is the pleasure of the text -- why do we read? How might we write “critically” – and how can we while maintaining our own voices, given the abundance of sources and media available? Is there anything new to “say,” and how do we speak in our own words?
English 2600 is intended for the student interested in reading and writing about literature. Creative writers will find that all criticism is also creative: that the work of literary analysis is a work of art. We start here, as we explore what it means to define ourselves by the written word.
We will consider the history of reading and writing, as well as the development of the formal study of literature in the university. How did specialization in literary studies begin; what does it mean to define that in the English language tradition (whether “Anglophone” literature or works in translation); and what is the range of interests possible for earning an undergraduate degree in this field?
We will pay particular attention to the tension between reading and writing for “pleasure,” training that puts our voices in conversation with other specialists, and what it means to become a “professional” in this field. We will work closely with the Center for Career Development to understand the variety of positions English majors pursue. We will emphasize the importance of growing portable skills not solely to apply them, but to live out our passions through a vocation, not just a job. You will meet UConn English alumni who are pursuing many different paths.
In English 2600 you’ll answer for yourself the question “what are you going to do with an English major?” We will practice that art and science of literary criticism as we read classic works of literature, learn how they became classics, and what the profession of literary studies is. We will work closely with the UConn Libraries not only to strengthen our research skills and citation formats, develop digital proficiency and theoretical breadth, but also to recognize, learn to read and to produce the professional writing of our discipline.
English 2600 will teach you what it means to be an English major, minor, or professional in this field; to share who you are with peers, colleagues, employers, family, and friends.
Class will run as lecture and discussion. Expect weekly reading and writing assignments (as journal entries) from primary (“literature”) and secondary sources (theory and applied criticism). You will develop an annotated bibliography of scholarly works in your field(s) of interest. You will write critically about texts of your choice in a term paper and final exam. You will also have career-related writing opportunities, such as drafting your resume and exploring internships and job opportunities.
English 2600 is a major Methods requirement and an English minor elective.
2701: Introduction to Creative Writing
Prerequisites: ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011 or 2011. May not be taken out of sequence after passing ENGL 3701, 3703, or 3713.
- English Major Requirements:
- 2021-2023 Plans: One of Four Additional Courses
- Requirement for the Creative Writing Track
- 2021-2023 Plans: One of Four Additional Courses
- Applies toward the English Minor
- Applies toward the Writing Minor
2701 |TuTh 3:30 - 4:45 |Gorkemli, Serkan
In this course, we’ll study creative expression in short fiction and creative nonfiction (textbook: Write Moves: A Creative Writing Guide & Anthology by Nancy Pagh). We’ll discuss and practice elements of prose-writing craft and closely read the works of classic and contemporary authors. The main focus will be on your own original writing, which you will reflect on and refine through a series of assignments, in-class and take-home exercises, and workshops.
3000-Level Courses
3020W: Professional and Technical Writing for Social Justice
Prerequisites: ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011
3020W | Tu 5:30-8:00 | Powell, Mick
3609: Women’s Literature.
Prerequisites: ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011 or 2011
Also offered as WGSS 3609
- General Education Requirement:
- Content Area Four (Diversity & Multiculturalism – USA)
- English Major Requirements:
- 2008-2020 Plans: Section F (Elective courses); Optional Concentration
- 2021-2023 Plans: Core Category: Antiracism, Globality, and Embodiment (Group 2) or one of Four Additional Courses
- Meets one requirement for the Literature, Antiracism, and Social Justice Track
- Meets one of NEAG’s Multicultural Literature Requirements for IB/M or TCPCG
3609| TuTh 12:30 - 1:45 |Cramer, Patricia
This course focuses on literature and film by women from Sappho (c 610‐570 BCE), Jane Austen (1775‐1817), and Anne Bronte (1820-1849) through to contemporary artists Julia Alvarez (b. 1950), Deepa Mehta (b. 1950), Hanan al-Shaykh (b. 1945), Nawal el Saadawi (1931‐ 2021). We will read feminist manifestoes and poems by, e.g., Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797), Emmeline Pankhurst (1858-1928), Ida B. Wells (1862-1931), Virginia Woolf (1882‐1941), Judy Grahn (1940--), Audre Lorde (1934-1992, Adrienne Rich (1929-2012), and Pat Parker (1944). We will pay particular attention to commonalities and differences in our author’s renderings of women’s lives and aspirations; sexual and domestic violence; survival and resistance strategies; escape and accommodation; romantic love. The course emphasis is on close readings, group discussions, speaking and writing in your own voice, developing fresh insights from your own point of view. Core assignments are an in-class standpoint presentation and a final creative project
3652W: Maritime Literature to 1800
Prerequisites: ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011, sophomores or higher.
- 2021-2024 Plans: Core Category: Early Literary, Cultural, and Linguistic History or One of Four Additional Courses
- Meets the Cultural, Genre, and Media Studies requirement for the English Teaching Track
- Meets one requirement for the Literary Histories and Legacies Track
- Meets one requirement for the Literature of Place and Environment Track
3652W| Tu 9:30 - 10:45 | Online Blended | Sarkar, Debapriya
This course explores classic works of the maritime literary tradition from classical texts to 1800, with particular attention to texts contributing significantly to the culture, history, and aesthetics of the sea. We will explore the nexus of ideas central to maritime exploration, focusing both on representations of travel and navigation as well as issues of politics, ethics, race, gender, and religion. We will begin by investigating early uses of the sea in literature and ways in which these works influenced later writings. We will also study how maritime metaphors and symbols circulate in travel literature, poetry, prose narrative, and drama, thereby expanding the scope of what we might consider literature of the sea. And we will ask how these works of maritime literature are differently shaped by the pressures of early colonial encounters, to inquire if these texts have something unique to say in recent discussions of “global” or “world” literature.