Fall 2022 Course Descriptions: Hartford Campus

Fall 2022

Each semester the faculty for the Department of English provide course descriptions that build upon the University's catalog descriptions. These individually crafted descriptions provide information about variable topics, authors, novels, texts, writing assignments, and whether instructor consent is required to enroll. The details, along with reviewing the advising report, will help students select course options that best meet one's interests and academic requirements.

The following list includes Undergraduate courses that are sequenced after the First-Year Writing requirement and will change each semester.

1000-Level Course

1616W: Major Works of English and American Literature

Prerequisites:  ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011 or 2011.

1616W | MW 4:40-5:55 | Duni, Michael

During this semester we shall concern ourselves with selected works by both English and American writers. Authors have attempted to share their perceptions of the world and how it works. Consequently, the representations of man and his world according to various writers prove as varied as does each one of our descriptive explanations of our world. We shall examine major authors including Chaucer, Donne, Wordsworth, Emily Bronte, Gaskell, E.M. Forster, Hawthorne, Crane, Tennessee Williams, Michael Chabon, and Justin Torres to encounter each writer’s configuration of the world and what he or she has to say about it. In this way, our understanding of how the world might work and how man may fit into this world will become enhanced, if not further complicated! Beware: You are expected to read voraciously.

I have chosen works I like and believe prove provocative. Provocative in that they offer suggestions about themes in life as well as insights about the characters and the authors of these characters. I feel that these works will say something about each one of us as well. Yes. We read about others to discover truths about ourselves. What might each work say about you?!

Along with our perusals and close examinations of these works, our composition tasks will become effective exercises for the expression of this enhancement or confusion. As authors offer their arguments, you will share your reactions, impressions, and further contributions regarding these literary works and their messages in written responses and academic essays. Writing is a required and crucial component of this course. We shall gather on Mondays and Wednesdays at 4:40 p.m. until 5:55 p.m.

2000-Level Courses

2301: Anglophone Literatures

Prerequisites: ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011 or 2011.

2301 | TuTh 12:30-1:45 | Shea, Thomas

“Anglophone” is a term I balk at, so let’s call this course “World Literature in English.”

With an emphasis on diversity of perspectives, we will sample authors from 6 of the 7 continents: Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America. (I’m still looking for a viable candidate to represent Antarctica—suggestions welcome.)

Course grades will be based on class participation (40% of your semester grade), occasional brief writings, a Midterm Essay, and a Final Essay. (All writing will constitute the other 60% of your semester grade).


Questions? Email Thomas.Shea@uconn.edu.

2401: Poetry

Prerequisites: ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011 or 2011.

2401 | TuTh 2:00-3:15 | Kneidel, Gregory

2408: Modern Drama

Prerequisites: ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011 or 2011.

2408 | TuTh 9:30-10:45 | Shea, Thomas

The purpose of this course is to enhance our appreciation of Modern Drama as it developed during the 20th century and the opening decades of the 21st. Some of the playwrights we will engage may include Oscar Wilde, Edward Albee, Tennessee Williams, Samuel Beckett, Marina Carr, Eve Ensler, August Wilson and Martin McDonagh. We will also take full advantage of the Wadsworth Atheneum, exploring links between Modern Drama and the various creative artistries one-half block away.

Course grades will be based on class participation (40% of your semester grade), occasional brief writings, a Midterm Essay, and a Final Essay. (All writing will constitute the other 60% of your semester grade).


Questions? Email Thomas.Shea@uconn.edu.

2413: The Graphic Novel

Prerequisites: ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011 or 2011. Not open to students who have passed ENGL 3621 when taught as "The Graphic Novel."

2413 | MWF 11:15-12:05 | Horn, Jacob

This course offers students a chance to learn how to interpret the comics medium by first focusing on technical aspects of the medium alongside historical examples, during which students will practice using the tools to analyze our texts. With this in place, the remainder of the course will revolve around reading graphic novels from various genres and writing two major writing projects alongside a multimodal project. Students will be expected to participate in regular class discussion and be open to thinking about different writing strategies and modes. Any student can succeed in this course if they are willing to put in sufficient effort, whether English majors or studying other fields.

2640: Studies in Film

Prerequisites: ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011 or 2011.

2640 | MWF 10:10-11:00 | Campbell, Scott
Film was developed as a technology for documenting lived experience. Most films, even today, begin as a capturing or recording of visual or audio performances. And yet, for more than a century, the dominant and most popular mode of filmmaking has been the scripted fictional (or narrative) film. In Studies in Film, we’ll explore this close and often paradoxical relationship between the real and the fake, the documentary and the fictive, in the development of film art.
Our approach will include explorations of three, equally weighted components:  film history, film genres or movements (e.g., neorealism or French New Wave), and technique (including technical matters like shots, lighting, sound, and editing). Expect to watch at least one film per week (sometimes more) alongside contextualizing readings. Students will compose weekly analyses of assigned films and develop a major project. We won’t make a film here (alas), but we will use some basic exercises with photography and sound to get some hands-on insight into filmmaking.
This course is open to anyone who has taken ENGL 1007, 1010, or 1011. Please contact Prof. Campbell with any questions. (scott.campbell@uconn.edu)

3000-Level Course

3503W: Shakespeare I

Prerequisites: ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011 or 2011.

3503W | TuTh 3:30-4:45 | Kneidel, Gregory

4000-Level Course

4965W: Advanced Studies in Early Literature

Prerequisites: ENGL 1007 or 1010 or 1011 or 2011; at least 12 credits of 2000-level or above English courses or consent of instructor; open to juniors or higher.

4965W | M 11:15-12:30 | Distance Learning | Sarkar, Debapriya
This course is a remote course offered through the Avery Point campus.

The Early Modern Environmental Imagination

This capstone seminar examines how sixteenth and seventeenth century literature both reflects and shapes ideas about the environment. By reading texts from a variety of genres, including drama, poetry, prose fiction, and non-fiction, we will inquire: how do writers envision the relation of humans to their nonhuman environments (land, plants, animals, etc.)? How does evolving knowledge about the natural world intersect with ethical, social, and political issues? What responsibility does “literature" have to the “environment”? And how might imaginative writing bring into conversation discourses of environmental, racial, and social justice? We will draw on recent scholarship in the environmental humanities and over the course of the semester, work towards developing a definition of early modern environmental literature.

We will study different scales of ecologies—from the cosmic to the national to the domestic—in order to highlight how various actors (philosophers, poets, dramatists, artisans, etc.) were engaged in “environmental thinking.” Our primary readings will be drawn from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, from Shakespearean drama to Miltonic epic, from lyric poetry to utopian fiction. However we will approach the historically and culturally specific concerns raised by these works through the lens of key theoretical concepts (such as the “anthropocene”) and different strands of eco-criticism (such as ecofeminism and the blue humanities). By juxtaposing Renaissance writing with modern scholarship, the course invites research not only into the pre-modern imagination, but also into the relation of the present to the past we struggle to apprehend.

The seminar will be offered in the Distance Learning modality. We will meet synchronously every Monday, and the rest of the sessions will be held asynchronously. Department consent is required to enroll in this course, please email inda.watrous@uconn.edu for a permission number. Please include your student admin id# and home campus.